ACNH - What Can I Catch Header
Personal Project

A MERN stack application created as a helper tool for Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Originally built to more efficiently complete the in-game museum, it now also provides realtime information about critter locations, prices, and other tips - as well as the option to create a profile and track your ongoing collection progress.

Designed with Figma, with a focus on emulating the original brand aesthetic.

Click here to see a video demo

Key Features

homepage - in April at 10AM
"in April at 10AM"
homepage - in April at any time
"in April at any time"

Display All Currently Available Critters

Adjust your results by Month, Time, and Hemisphere. Shows data on each critter, including if its your last chance to find it for a while (especially useful for planning museum donations!)

sealife table sorted by shadow size
Sorting by shadow size
sealife table sorted by price
Sorting by price

Sort and Fine Tune Your Results

Sort your results by each header, including sell price, location, and size. You can also see the price difference of selling to Nook vs Flick.

If you are logged in, you can filter your results to only show the critters you’re missing.

site - sealife collection screen
Site - collection screen
in game - sealife collection screen
In-Game - collection screen

Track Your Collection

After logging in, you can save your collections. The profile interface mirrors the in-game screen for ease of use. Adjust your selection, then save it to filter the home screen.

homepage with regular day theme
Winter Theme
homepage with night theme
Winter Night Theme

Extra Details

The homepage features gentle animations, and shifts to a night scene between 9PM-5AM, and a winter scene in hemisphere-based winter months.

Recorded Demo of Key Features
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